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Blog Post Drafts and Publishing Dates

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EverWeb’s blogging feature allows you to easily draft your posts and only publish them when you are ready to do so.

Setting a blog post as a draft is easy. Go to the ‘posts’ page of your blog and in the Blog Post List checkmark the posts that you want to be draft. When you publish your website, any blog post marked as ‘Draft’ will not be published.

The blog posts you have check marked will only publish when you remove the check mark and then publish your website.

When you set a blog post to draft, it will not be displayed in the Blog Main or Blog Archive page.

EverWeb also allows you to set the blog post date to be the same as the websites publish date.

To set the blog post date to be the same as the publishing date double click on the ‘Date’ field in the Blog Post List and check the ‘Use Website Publish Date’ field.

The ‘Date’ field will display as ‘Use Website Publish Date’.

When you publish your website, the ‘Date’ field of the post will become the published date and time.